
看完The Hours電影以後立即訂購一本原版小說,作為對原著的一種支持,也當作和作者一同(借著文字)追悼維吉尼亞.伍爾芙(Virginia Woolf)。而這樣僅僅一部電影就有三段關于自殺的故事,每一個故事背後仿佛被一條隱形的線串起來,隱隱交匯成一個脈絡。於是你看見1941年維吉尼亞.伍爾芙自殺、1951年勞拉(Laura Brown)躺在床上讀她的小說想到了死亡、2001年勞拉的孩子Richard稱呼他的愛人Clarissa作Mrs Dalloway,隱隱約約,那些看似無關的情節,其實正悄悄呼應彼此。




I feel certain I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do.

You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will,  I know.

You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that - everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer.

I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been.

這是寫給丈夫Leonard Woolf的遺書,我以為這也是一種告白,也是最後向Leonard致謝的告別書。她其實不想讓他傷心,I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will,  I know——她希望,自己的死亡至于Leonard也是一種自由的解放,Leonard從今要為自己而活。



她說了,I begin to hear voices——那是我們聽不見的聲音啊。也許一種來自生死交界的語言,透徹生命與死亡的人才能讀懂、聽見,而伍爾芙就是聽到了。



她的死多強烈,後人說“She is a good swimmer”,可她就是毫不猶豫地,讓自己溺斃在歐賽河里(你怎么想象一個游泳健將抗拒身里自然的求生意志,而一心求死呢)。



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